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The current weather

Today, 25. April 2024
Valley 910 m -5° 4 km/h SW
Alpine pastures 1.650 m 5 km/h SW
Mountain 1.950 m -7° 5 km/h SW

Lift hours

24th June to 10th September 2023
8:30 a.m. – 12.00 a.m.
13.00 p.m. - 16.30 p.m.
daily, in case of good hiking weather

Today there is no cable car in operation.
Outside the opening times of the 4-seater chairlift, the Tauplitzalm can be reached daily from Bad Mitterndorf along the Tauplitzalm Alpenstraße, which is subject to a fee.

150 cm snow depth

Summer 2024 Opening Times & Dates

22nd June to 8th September 2024
8:30 a.m. – 12.00 a.m.
1.00 p.m. - 4.30 p.m.

daily, in case of good hiking weather

Webcam Lawinenstein
If you click on this area to view the webcam, a connection to the servers of Panomax will be established and data will be sent to Panomax. Further information can be found in Data Privacy Policy.

Webcam Schneiderkogel
If you click on this area to view the webcam, a connection to the servers of Panomax will be established and data will be sent to Panomax. Further information can be found in Data Privacy Policy.

Tickets & more
.listEntryDescription > p { opacity:0; } header
backgroundPositionLeftTop #blockContent h2, #blockContent .h2 { padding-bottom:0; } header 1 Non-binding inquiery h1 Non-binding inquiery<br /> 0 30 0 <p class="alignCenter">Just tell us your vacation wishes and the team of the information office of the tourism association Ausseerland - Salzkammergut will be happy to send you an irresistible offer.<br /></p> 1 0 1 1 1 1 if(wRequest::getParameter("wFormAction") == "reset"){ $this->reset(); wResponse::redirect($this->url); } $this->setFormData(wRequest::getParameters()); if($this->validate()){ $mailData = $this->getFormData(); $decorators = $this->getVar('contentType') == 'text/html' ? 'asHtmlTable' : ''; $mailData['wFormData'] = $this->getMailDataStr(false, array('showOnlyElements' => true, 'hideIfEmpty' => false, 'decorators' => $decorators, 'projectCSS' => '/wGlobal')); $mailData['from'] = wUtils::getFirstValueNotEmpty(array($this->getVar('from'), wVariables::getValue('email_from_default', '/wGlobal'), wMailer::getDefaultMail('from'))); $mailData['to'] = wUtils::getFirstValueNotEmpty(array($this->getVar('to'), wVariables::getValue('email_default', '/wGlobal'), wMailer::getDefaultMail('to'))); $mailData['subject'] = wUtils::getFirstValueNotEmpty(array($this->getVar('subject'), 'Anfrage vom Kontaktformular')); $mailData['contentType'] = wUtils::getFirstValueNotEmpty(array($this->getVar('contentType'), 'text/plain')); //Mail-Daten zusätzlich in eine Datei schreiben //wReadWrite::writeFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/weblication/grid5/logs/mail_'.time().'_'.rand(1000, 9999).'.txt', serialize($mailData)); //Skript für individuelle globale Funktionen @include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$this->getVar('wGlobalProjectPath').'/wGlobal/scripts/php/wFormServerEventOnSubmit.php'); $attach = null; //Falls Dateien hochgeladen wurden, können diese hier weiterverarbeitet werden if($this->hasElementsFile){ $attach = array(); foreach($this->files as $file){ //print 'Die hochgeladene Datei '.$file['nameUploaded'].' liegt nun hier ab: '.$file['pathDestUploaded'].'<br />'; //Falls die Dateien an den Empfänger per E-Mail gesendet werden sollen if($file['attachToMail']){ $attach[] = array('file' => $file['pathDestUploaded'], 'filename' => $file['nameUploaded']); } } } wMailer::sendMailStr($this->getVar('mailStr'), $mailData, null, $attach); if($this->getVar('mailStrCustomer') != '' && $mailData['copysender'][0] == 'Please send me a copy of my inquiry'){ wMailer::sendMailStr($this->getVar('mailStrCustomer'), $mailData); } //Hier können Sie weitere Funktionen einfügen $this->initFormData(); $this->setStatus('sent'); wCache::clearCachePath($this->url); if(empty($this->getVar('redirectSuccess'))){ $redirectURL = wURL::setParameter($this->url, 'wFormStatus', ''); wOutput::loadWithoutCache($redirectURL); wResponse::redirect($redirectURL); } else{ wResponse::redirect($this->getVar('redirectSuccess')); } } else{ $redirectURL = wURL::setParameter($this->url, 'wFormStatus', 'failed'); wOutput::loadWithoutCache($redirectURL); wResponse::redirect($redirectURL.'#wFormErrorMessages'); } from to info.tauplitz@ausseerland.at transport subject Anfrage von der Website dietauplitz.com (EN) redirectSuccess /en/urlaub/danke-infobuero.php saveFormData |1 nein|ja Formulareingaben in einer CSV speichern dateFormat D, dd.mm.yyyy D, dd.mm.yyyy|dd.mm.yyyy|yyyy-mm-dd|mm/dd/yyyy Datumsformat contentType text/plain text/plain|text/html Versand als Text oder HTML mailStr From: tauplitz@ihre-anfrage.at To: [!--to--] Reply-To: [!--email--] Content-Type: [!--contentType--]; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Subject: [!--subject--] Anreisetag: [!--anreisetag--] Abreisetag: [!--abreisetag--] Anzahl Erwachsene: [!--number-guests--][!--#if test="anzkin != ''"--] Anzahl Kinder: [!--anzkin--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age1 != ''"--] Alter Kind 1 bei der Anreise: [!--age1--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age2 != ''"--] Alter Kind 2 bei der Anreise: [!--age2--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age3 != ''"--] Alter Kind 3 bei der Anreise: [!--age3--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age4 != ''"--] Alter Kind 4 bei der Anreise: [!--age4--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age5 != ''"--] Alter Kind 5 bei der Anreise: [!--age5--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age6 != ''"--] Alter Kind 6 bei der Anreise: [!--age6--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age7 != ''"--] Alter Kind 7 bei der Anreise: [!--age7--][!--#endif--] Wo möchtest du lieber Urlaub machen? [!--urlaub_machen--] Anrede: [!--gender--] Vorname: [!--firstname--] Nachname: [!--lastname--] Firma: [!--company--] Straße / Nr.: [!--street--] PLZ: [!--zipcode--] Ort: [!--town--] Land: [!--land--] Telefon: [!--phone--] E-Mail: [!--email--] Mitteilung: [!--message--] Datenschutzerklärung gelesen und akzeptiert: [!--datenschutz-akzeptiert--] mailStrCustomer From: [!--from--] To: [!--email--] Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Subject: Your inquiry - Die Tauplitz Bergbahnen GmbH Thank you for your inquiry. We will answer your request as soon as possible. Here you'll find a copy of the data you sent us: Arrival Day: [!--anreisetag--] Departure Day: [!--abreisetag--] Number of Adults: [!--number-guests--][!--#if test="anzkin != ''"--] Number of Children: [!--anzkin--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age1 != ''"--] Age of child 1 at arrival: [!--age1--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age2 != ''"--] Age of child 2 at arrival: [!--age2--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age3 != ''"--] Age of child 3 at arrival: [!--age3--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age4 != ''"--] Age of child 4 at arrival: [!--age4--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age5 != ''"--] Age of child 5 at arrival: [!--age5--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age6 != ''"--] Age of child 6 at arrival: [!--age6--][!--#endif--][!--#if test="age7 != ''"--] Age of child 7 at arrival: [!--age7--][!--#endif--] Where would you rather go on vacation? [!--urlaub_machen--] Salutation: [!--gender--] First Name: [!--firstname--] Last Name: [!--lastname--] Organisation: [!--company--] Street: [!--street--] ZIP-Code: [!--zipcode--] Town: [!--town--] Country: [!--land--] Telephone: [!--phone--] E-Mail: [!--email--] Notice: [!--message--] Privacy policy read and accepted: [!--datenschutz-akzeptiert--] Best regards, Die Tauplitz Bergbahnen GmbH Managing director: Dr. Hubert Mayrhofer Tauplitz 71 A-8982 Bad Mitterndorf Telephone: +43 3688 2252 E-Mail: welcome@dietauplitz.com Web: www.dietauplitz.com Company Register No: 62541y Company registry jurisdiction: Handelsgericht Wien Legal form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung element_856204 <h2>Preferred date</h2> 1 anreisetag Arrival Day today date required elementInput S abreisetag, 0 abreisetag Departure Day today+1 date required elementInput S element_235422 <h2>Persons</h2> 1 number-guests Number of Adults text required S text anzkin Number of Children 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S age1 Age of child 1 at arrival 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 required XS showIf or age2 Age of child 2 at arrival 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 required XS showIf or age3 Age of child 3 at arrival 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 required XS showIf or age4 Age of child 4 at arrival 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 required XS showIf or age5 Age of child 5 at arrival 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 required XS showIf or age6 Age of child 6 at arrival 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 required XS showIf or age7 Age of child 7 at arrival 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 required XS showIf or element_235423 <h2>Where would you rather go on vacation?</h2> 1 urlaub_machen Where would you prefer to go on vacation? Hotel B&B Holiday apartment required 1 Neue Spalte element_763724 <h2>Your contactdata<br /></h2> 1 gender Salutation Mr. Mrs required wglRadioFloat firstname First Name required text M text lastname Last Name required text M text company Organisation text elementInput XXL text street Street text elementInput XXL text zipcode ZIP-Code pregMatch('^\d{4,5}$') text elementInput S text town Town required text elementInput L text land Country text required elementInput XXL text phone Telephone text elementInput XXL tel email E-Mail @ text email XXL 1 text message Notice XXL 4 0 copysender Copy Please send me a copy of my inquiry 1 datenschutz-akzeptiert Privacy policy Yes|<a href="/en/datenschutz/" title="read privacy policy" target="box">privacy policy</a> read and accepted required You can only submit the form once you have read and accepted the data privacy policy. 1 wglCheckbox dyn-subject-of-request Please do not fill in Please leave the last field empty! 1000 send submit 0 0 <p class="alignCenter"><span class="klein">The data you provide in the form will only be used to process your request and will only be forwarded to the information office of the Tourist Association Ausseerland-Salzkammergut for this purpose - for more information please visit our <a href="/en/datenschutz/" title="privacy policy | Die Tauplitz Bergbahnen GmbH" target="box">privacy policy</a>.</span><br /></p> 20a 0 0
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