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The current weather

Today, 17. January 2025
Valley 910 m -1° 15 km/h O
Alpine pastures 1.650 m -3° 4 km/h O
Mountain 1.950 m -0° 19 km/h O

Currently open

15 von 17
36 von 38
2 von 2
Winter hiking trails
50-140 cm snow depth
last snow fall: 10.01.2025
new snow: 5 cm

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Webcam Schneiderkogel
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Avalanche Report

Take good care of yourself!

The ski terrain surrounding Die Tauplitz is enormous, featuring lots of obvious and hidden lines that range in steepness. That’s why we beg you: take 0% risk, live up to your 100% personal responsibility and follow these simple rules

Never ski alone and always with the correct equipment: An avalanche transponder, avalanche rucksack with shovel, a probe, first-aid kit and mobile phone are all absolute musts. If something happens, call mountain rescue immediately: 140

Please check on weather conditions and avalanche forecasts in advance – take good care of yourself!

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