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The current weather

Today, 17. January 2025
Valley 910 m -1° 15 km/h O
Alpine pastures 1.650 m -3° 4 km/h O
Mountain 1.950 m -0° 19 km/h O

Currently open

15 von 17
36 von 38
2 von 2
Winter hiking trails
50-140 cm snow depth
last snow fall: 10.01.2025
new snow: 5 cm

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Wild creatures and winter sports - the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities very seriously

Wild creatures and winter sports - the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities very seriously.

One of the many unique aspects of the Tauplitz is that all four species of us mountain grouse love to call this amazing place “home”. Plus, when you protect us grouse, you're also safeguarding every other creature out there.

We peace-loving birds are all about harmony between animals and people. Here's a little more about us: We thrive in the open forests and on the "Alm" (which is how the locals refer to high pastures). It would break our hearts to be forced to leave our beautiful home on the Tauplitz, merely because we were disturbed by you humans.

Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously
Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously

Truth be told, we probably wouldn't be very good at relocating. We're actually clumsy flyers who avoid long distances. Plus, there simply aren't many other habitats as amazing as here on the Tauplitzalm.

Originally from the far north, we have some neat tricks up our “sleeves”. In the harsh winter, we keep our movement to a minimum. Any kind of disturbance drains our energy reserves. And bulking up with fat isn't the answer either. After all, a heavy bird doesn’t fly particularly well.

Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously
Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously

From our perspective, the shorter the journey, the better: Food and protection from the cold need to be close at hand. Thanks to our strong beaks, even chunky twigs become a tasty treat. A downy layer of double feathers is also part of our survival kit.

When the icy cold hits, we resort to what we call our “igloo strategy”: We burrow ourselves into snow caves, even though that also comes with the risk of getting run over by a passing freerider or snowboarder. Still, that beats freezing to death.

Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously
Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously

But being "well-camouflaged" has its downsides. A white snow grouse in winter? You probably won't spot us until it’s too late. Ouch!

Protection Zones for Humans and Animals: That's Our Solution

The rules are clear, and everyone wins – so, please do your part:

(§) Rule 1
The ski slopes, freeride hills, cross-country trails, and winter hiking paths are intended for humans and animals alike.

Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously
Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously

(§) Rule 2
People should never enter the marked protection zones.

(§) Rule 3
And we, the mountain grouse & wildlife, promise we won’t run or fly through your living room either.

Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously
Mountain grouse - Wild creatures and winter sports, the Tauplitz takes its responsibilities seriously

Together, let's show the world that peaceful coexistence shouldn’t just be a goal, it’s realistically possible! A big thank-you from all the creatures of the forest as well as the Tauplitz Lift Company.

Marked protection zones must not be travelled on!
Marked protection zones must not be travelled on!

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